Land O'Lakes Library Writing Contest 2nd Place Poetry

Posted by Pasco County Library System Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Questions" by Calee King

In a world where it’s so hard to forget and so painful to remember,
I think of you.

I tried to close all thoughts of us, of you, off,
But the drawer in my mind where they were stashed overflowed and they poured out.

I tried so very hard to cram them back in but the drawer broke,
So here I am, stuck with all these memories with no place to go but my shattered heart.

It longs for you, you know;
It throbs and sinks lower in my chest when I hear your name whispered from within.

It’s so very fragile now,
I’m afraid that one more torturous reminder will cause it to finally fail.

What shall I do then?
I couldn’t possibly go on.

How would it make you feel if you knew that you were the death of me?
I would hope that it would make your heart die too, or at least crack just a bit.

That’s all I really want,
You to look past the flaws of me, the damage and the wounds, and show a softened side.

Won’t you sew up this gaping hole of mine,
The one you so kindly made?

Or have you already discarded me,
Crumpled me up and shot me into the nearest bin like paper, to be forever lost in apathy?


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